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User Agreement

This User Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement") governs the relationship regarding the use of the Website's features and the general conditions for the possible provision of services between the Contractor (hereinafter also referred to as the "Website Owner") on one side, and the individual or legal entity Customer, who has accepted the terms of this Agreement by fully and unconditionally adhering to it (hereinafter also referred to as the "Website User"), on the other side. Hereinafter, collectively referred to as the "Parties" and individually as the "Party".

This Agreement and the relations between the Parties arising from this Agreement are governed by the legislation.

General Provisions of the User Agreement

The following terms and definitions apply in this document and the related relations between the Parties:

a) Website Owner's Site/Website - the internet site located under the domain of the Website Owner and its subdomains.

b) Agreement — this agreement with all additions and amendments.

c) Administration/Representative of the Site, Website Owner – a person authorized by the Website Owner to act according to the Agreement.

d) Visitor - any person who has accessed the Website and is browsing its content.

e) User — a legally capable individual who has joined this Agreement in their own interest or on behalf of and in the interest of a legal entity they represent.

Any visitor to the Website can voluntarily fill out the provided form and become a User.

The Website contains information and materials about goods and services that may subsequently be provided to the User if a real Contract is concluded. If an individual has registered as a User on behalf of a legal entity, it signifies that the legal entity fully accepts the Agreement with all subsequent consequences.

In particular, when using the Website, the User is not entitled to impersonate another person or a representative of an organization and/or community without proper authorization, including as a Website employee, nor use any other forms of illegal representation online, or mislead other Users, the Website, and its representatives regarding the properties and characteristics of any subjects or objects.

If any violation of rights and/or interests is detected in connection with the use of the Website, including by another User, the Website Owner should be notified by sending a written message, calling, and providing a detailed description of the violation and/or a hyperlink to the page containing materials that violate the rights and/or interests of the Website.

Intellectual Property Rights

All objects available through the Website, including design elements, text, graphics, illustrations, videos, computer programs, databases, music, sounds, and other objects, are subject to exclusive rights of the Website and other rights holders. The Website grants the User the right to functionally use it within its general functional capabilities.

The use of the Website in other ways, including copying (reproducing) the Content posted on the Website, as well as design elements, computer programs, and databases included in the Website, their decompilation, modification, further distribution, public display, or dissemination is strictly prohibited unless otherwise provided by this Agreement or executed Contracts.

The User is not entitled to reproduce, duplicate, copy, sell, or use for any commercial purposes any part of the Website (including Content available to the User via Applications) or access to them, except when such permission is obtained from the Website/Website Owners, or if it is explicitly provided by additional documents (Contracts, Applications, etc.).

The User's use of the Website and its Content for personal, non-commercial purposes is allowed, provided all copyright laws, related rights, trademarks, and other authorship notifications are respected, keeping the author's name (or pseudonym) and the name of the rights holder unchanged and maintaining the corresponding object unchanged. Exceptions are cases explicitly provided by the legislation governing data protection or additional documents regarding the use of the Website.

The Website may contain links to third-party websites. The mentioned third parties and their content are not reviewed by the Website for compliance with any requirements (accuracy, completeness, etc.). The Website is not responsible for any information or materials posted on third-party websites that the User accesses while using the Website, or for the availability of such websites or the consequences of their use by the User.

Links (in any form) to any site, product, service, or any information of a commercial or non-commercial nature posted on the Website do not constitute an endorsement or recommendation of such products (services, activities) by the Website unless the Website expressly states otherwise.


The Website Owner/Administration/Website Representative and persons represented by the Website are entitled to send information electronic messages to the User's provided email, phone, or social media page regarding events happening within the Website or related to it and the entities it represents.

Final Provisions

This Agreement is governed and interpreted in accordance with the applicable law governing data protection. Issues not covered by this Agreement are to be resolved in accordance with the law. Any disputes arising from the relations governed by this Agreement are to be resolved in the manner established by applicable law.

If for any reason one or more provisions of this Agreement are found invalid or unenforceable, this does not imply that the other provisions of the Agreement are invalid or unenforceable.

The Website's temporary inactivity in the event of a User or other Users' violation of the provisions of the Agreement does not deprive the Website of the right to take appropriate action to protect its interests later, nor does it mean the Website waives its rights in case of such similar violations.

All disputes under the Agreement or in connection with it shall be resolved in court at the location of the Website in accordance with the applicable law.

This USER AGREEMENT has been developed and operates within the framework of current data protection legislation regarding the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data.

Privacy Policy

This Policy is an integral part of the User Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement"), posted and/or available on the Website's domain and other contracts concluded with the User or may be concluded with the User.

By using the Website's services, the User agrees to the Privacy Policy of personal data (hereinafter referred to as the "Privacy Policy") and voluntarily and in their own interest gives written consent to the processing of personal information in the ways provided by this Privacy Policy.